Architectural Digest names Bertazzoni in Great Design Awards
It is an honor to have the Bertazzoni Professional Series Induction Cooker recognized by the @Architectural Digest Great Design Awards 2023.
A nova Collezione Metalli foi premiada com o Good Design Award 2021 na categoria Cozinha / Eletrodomésticos. O prémio foi atribuído a Bertazzoni pelo Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design em colaboração com o European Centre for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies através de um júri de especialistas que selecionou os produtos que mais se destacam pela qualidade do design, inovação, materiais, funcionalidade e estética.
Professional Series 36 inch Induction Range
Professional Series 36 inch Induction Range

Architectural Digest has named the Professional Series 36 inch Induction Range in "AD’s 2023 Great Design Awards: 50-Plus of the Best Kitchen and Bath Products." These awards, "identify the appliances, treasures, and trends that are igniting AD's imaginations while reshaping their renovations." The range is featured under the 'Desert Trip' subsection, which contains products that have "terra-cotta colors, brawny edges, and psychedelic panache."


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